The Very Long Game of Defense AI Adoption: Introduction
Heiko Borchert in Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Joseph Verbovzsky (eds.), The Very Long Game: 25 Case Studies in the Global State of Defense AI (Cham: Springer Nature, 2024), pp. 1-38
Master and Servant: Defense AI in Germany
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Joseph Verbovszky (eds.), The Very Long Game. 25 Case Studies on the Global State of Defense AI (Cham: Springer Nature, 2024), pp. 195-216
The Very Long Game: 25 Case Studies on the Global State of Defense AI
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Joseph Verbovszky (Cham: Springer Nature, 2024)
Leveraging the Defense Metaverse. Unlocking the Power of AI for Force Development
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Christian Brandlhuber. The Air Power Journal. Proceedings of the 11th Dubai International Air Chiefs’ Conference (November 2023), pp. 23-32.
Weiter denken! Fünf Punkte, um den Handlungsrahmen zur Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz für Streitkräfte zu erweitern
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Joseph Verbovszky, Internationale Politik 73:6 (November/Dezember 2023), pp. 46-49
Let Finland and Sweden Champion Transatlantic Economic Security
Heiko Borchert, Pär Malmberg, and Mikael Wigell, EurActiv, 24 August 2023
Toxische Türöffner: Smart Ports als geoökonomisches Handlungsfeld
Heiko Borchert, Tim Rühlig and Valentin Weber, SIRIUS 7:2 (June 2023), pp. 150-159.
Master and Servant. Defense AI in Germany
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Joseph Verbovszky (Hamburg: Defense AI Observatory, 2023)
Restriktive Rüstungsexporte widersprechen deutschen Sicherheitsinteressen
Security.Table, 29 November 2022
Navigating Geoeconomic Risks: Towards and International Business Risk and Resilience Monitor
Mikael Wigell, Heiko Borchert, Edward Hunter Christie, Christiaan Fjäder, and Lars-Henrik Hartwig (Helsinki: FIIA, 2022).
Unchain My Heart. A Defense Industrial Policy Agenda for Germany’s Zeitenwende
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Joseph Verbovszky
Zeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 18 September 2022
Free Jazz on the Battlefield. How GhostPlay’s AI Approach Enhances Air Defense
Heiko Borchert, Christian Brandlhuber, Armin Brandstetter, and Gary S. Schaal
(Hamburg: Defense AI Observatory, 2022)
Die neue Währung heisst Einsatzerfahrung
Heiko Borchert and Torben Schütz
Tagesspiegel, 27 June 2022
Spiderman nicht Heidi: geoökonomische Macht als neuer Schweizer Strategiekern
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 23 May 2022
Adaptive Portfolio: Catalyzing NATO’s Performance Through Innovation
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, and Joseph Verbovszky
(Bratislava: GLOBSEC, 2022)
Beware of Potemkin: Germany’s Defense Rethink Risks Reinforcing Old Habits
Torben Schütz, Joseph Verbovszky, and Heiko Borchert
War on the Rocks, 11 April 2022
Storms Ahead: The Future Geoeconomic World Order
Johann Strobl and Heiko Borchert (eds.)
(Vienna: Raiffeisen Bank International, 2021)
New Geoeconomics: A Primer
in Johann Strobl and Heiko Borchert (eds.), Storms Ahead. The Future Geoeconomic World Order (Vienna: Raiffeisen Bank International, 2022), pp. 16-35.
Emerging Technologies: The Geoeconomic Achilles’ Heel NATO Needs to Address
Heiko Borchert, John Allen, and Marcin Zaborowski
Euractiv, 13 December 2021
War as a Service: Stop Overhyping Technology
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz and Joseph Verbovskzy
RSIS Commentary, 13 August 2021
Beware the Hype. What Military Conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh (Don’t) Tell Us About the Future of War
Heiko Borchert, Torben Schütz, Joseph Verbovszky
(Hamburg: Defense AI Observatory, 2021)
A Transatlantic Geoeconomic Compact
International Security Forum Bonn 2020: A Time Out of Joint – New Realities, New Ideas (Bonn: CASSIS, 2021).
Supply Chain Management and Economic Statecraft: A Five-Point Agenda
Heiko Borchert
East Asia Forum, 29 June 2020
The European Way. How to Advance Europe’s Strategic Autonomy by Pairing Liquidity with Data to Make Supply Chains More Transparent, Resilient and Sustainable
(Cologne: Ernst & Young, 2020)
COVID-19: Strategische Krisenfestigkeit braucht ein neues Gleichgewicht von Staat und Wirtschaft
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 10. Mai 2020
Looking Beyond the Abyss. Eight Scenarios on the Post-COVID19 Business Landscape
(Zolling/Freising: 21strategies, 2020).
Jump-Starting Europe’s Work on Military Artificial Intelligence
Defense News, 9 September 2019
Why Unmanned Systems are the Go-To Option for Gray Zone Ops in the Gulf
Center for International Maritime Security, 6 August 2019
The Arab Gulf Defense Pivot: Defense Industrial Policy in a Changing Geostrategic Context
Comparative Strategy, 37:4 (February 2019), pp. 299-315
Flow Control Rewrites Globalization. Implications for Business and Investors
(Dubai: HEDGE21/Alcazar Capital Ltd., 2019).
Schweizer Interessen mit Staat und Markt schützen
Heiko Borchert und Stefan Brem
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14. Juli 2018, S. 10.
The Diversity Challenge: Five Perspectives on Eastern Mediterranean Geoeconomics
Heiko Borchert
in Jeremy Stöhs and Sebastian Bruns (eds.), Maritime Security in the Eastern Mediterranean. Kiel International Seapower Symposium 2017 (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018), pp. 29-46.
Innovation auf Befehl?
Heiko Borchert
Denkwürdigkeiten. Journal der Politisch-Militärischen Gesellschaft, Nr. 106 (Februar 2018).
Intellectual Capital Protection by Patents
Heiko Borchert and Christian Helmenstein
European Defence & Security (February 2018).
Sharpening the Falcon’s Claws
Heiko Borchert and Shehab al Makahleh
European Security & Defence (February 2017).
Waiting for Disruption?! Undersea Autonomy and the Challenging Nature of Naval Innovation
Heiko Borchert, Tim Kraemer and Daniel Mahon
RSIS Working Paper No. 302 (Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 2017)
Catch of the Day: Reflections on the Chinese Seizure of a US Navy Ocean Glider
Heiko Borchert
Center for International Maritime Security, 17 December 2016.
The Dawn of a New Arab Defense Industrial Network
Heiko Borchert and Cyril Widdershoven
Arab Defense Industry Papers No. 1 (July 2016).
KSÖ Rechts- und Technologiedialog
Heiko Borchert und Wolfgang Rosenkranz
(Wien: Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich, 2016)
Le Mannschaft
Heiko Borchert
Griephan, 52:21 (23. Mai 2016).
Why Undersea Drones Will (Not Yet) Change Asia-Pacific’s Undersea Balance
Heiko Borchert
Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, 5 May 2016
Why Australia should go with Germany for its future submarine project
Heiko Borchert
The Diplomat, 2 March 2016.
Leveraging Undersea Autonomy for NATO: Allies Must Work Together to Avoid Fraction
Heiko Borchert, Daniel Mahon, and Tim Kraemer
Cutting the Bow Wave (Norfolk: Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence), pp. 50-53 (Published with permission by CJOS COE)
More than Trade: Why and How to Step Up German Security Cooperation with Asia
Heiko Borchert
Global Asia, Volume 10, Number 2 (Summer 2015), pp. 68-79 (Published with permission by Global Asia).
Rising Challengers. Ambitious New Defense Exporters Are Reshaping International Defense Trade
Heiko Borchert
European Security & Defence (February 2015), pp. 61-64.
Aus der zweiten Reihe an die Spitze. Wie aufstrebende Rüstungsakteure die internationalen Rüstungsbeziehungen verändern
Heiko Borchert
Europäische Sicherheit & Technik (November 2014), S. 79-82.
Selbstbewusste Monarchen rüsten auf
Heiko Borchert
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 31. Oktober 2014, S. 7.
Ambitioniert, anspruchsvoll und schwierig. Südkoreas Ambitionen zwischen staatlicher Lenkung und US-Dominanz
Heiko Borchert
Reihe Ländercheck, Deutscher Arbeitgeber Verband (24. September 2014).
Maritime Security at Risk: Trends, Future Threat Vectors, and Capability Requirements
Heiko Borchert
(Luzern: Sandfire, 2014).
Good Practices Guide on Non-Nuclear Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection (NNCEIP) from Terrorist Attacks Focusing on Threats Emanating from Cyberspace
(Vienna: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2013)
Österreichs Wirtschaft auf dem Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Cyberlagebild
Heiko Borchert und Wolfgang Gattringer
Security Insight, 6. Jg., Nr. 2 (April 2013), S. 48-49.
Keep the United States Locked In and Engage Europe: Smart Defense as a Way for the Asia-Pacific Region to Leverage Its Strategic Role
Heiko Borchert
Arms Control Journal of the Ministry of National Defense (December 2012), pp. 160-205.
Cybersicherheit in Österreich: Risikopotenziale und Handlungserfordernisse am Beispiel ausgewählter Infrastruktursektoren
Heiko Borchert, Ursula Eysin, Wolfgang Gattringer, Wolfgang Rosenkranz und Karl Rose
(Wien: Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich, 2012)
Cybersicherheit intelligent regulieren: Warum, wie und durch wen?
Heiko Borchert
(Wien: Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich, 2012)
Lagebild für Kritische Infrastrukturen
Heiko Borchert und Stefan Brem
digma – Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit, 12. Jg., Nr. 1 (April 2012), S. 6-9.
Von den Chinesen lernen
Heiko Borchert
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nr. 38 vom 15. Februar 2012, S. 21
The Future of Maritime Surveillance in an Era of Contested Maritime Domains
Heiko Borchert
(Luzern: Sandfire, 2011).
Deutschlands Rohstoffversorgung sichern: Wichtiges Ziel – Schwieriger Weg
Heiko Borchert und Karina Forster
Trend. Die Zeitschrift für Soziale Marktwirtschaft, 32. Jg., Nr. 123 (Oktober 2010), S. 38-39.
Quo Vadis Bundeswehr? Die Strukturkommission als Chance
Heiko Borchert
Denkwürdigkeiten, Journal der Politisch-Militärischen Gesellschaft, Nr. 63 (April 2010), S. 1-5.
Renewables and Energy Security: Can They Deliver?
Heiko Borchert and Karina Forster
Daidalos Forum, REN21 Online Network, 18 March 2010.
Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructures: How to Advance Public-Private Security Cooperation
Heiko Borchert and Karina Forster
CTN Newsletter Special Bulletin: Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure from Terrorist Attacks (Vienna: OSCE, 2010), pp. 14-17.
Energy and the crisis – more or less secure?
Heiko Borchert and Karina Forster
NATO Review, Online Edition, April 2009.
Wettbewerbsfaktor Sicherheit
Heiko Borchert
Griephan Global Security, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2008), S. 36-40.
Sicherheit der kritischen Energieinfrastrukturen im Mittleren Osten
Heiko Borchert und Karina Forster
InfoBrief Heer, Nr. 5 (Dezember 2008), S. 8-9.
Homeland Security and the Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructures: A European Perspective
Heiko Borchert and Karina Forster
in: Esther Brimmer (ed.), Five Dimensions of Homeland Security and International Security (Washington, D.C.: Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2008), pp. 133-148.
The Security Dimension of Energy Infrastructure Security
Heiko Borchert and Karina Forster
in: Philip E. Cornell (ed.), Energy Security and Security Policy. NATO and the Role of International Security Actors in Achieving Energy Security (Oberammergau: NATO School Research Department, 2007), pp. 92-115.
Homeland Security and Transformation: Why It Is Essential to Bring Together Both Agendas
Heiko Borchert
in: Esther Brimmer (ed.), Transforming Homeland Security: U.S. and European Approaches (Washington, D.C.: Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2006), pp. 3-22.
Geostrategic Intelligence Group
is a multinational advisory supporting companies in navigating risks and identifying opportunities in a changing global business landscape. Dr. Heiko Borchert is an advisor with the Geostrategic Intelligence Group.
Visit websiteDefense AI Observatory
monitors and analyzes the use of artificial intelligence by armed forces at the Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg. Dr. Heiko Borchert is DAIO’s co-director.
Visit websiteThe Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
is a leading European think tank with a focus on defense, security, and geopolitics. Dr. Heiko Borchert is a HCSS Subject Matter Expert.
Visit websiteLaw and Geoeconomics Journal
At the intersection of legal, strategic, and economic studies the Law and Geoeconomics Journal looks at how state and non-state actors shape the new geoeconomic environment. Dr. Heiko Borchert is associate editor of the journal.
Visit websiteThe Defence Horizon Journal
is an online journal focusing on defense and security, geopolitics, law, and technology. Dr. Heiko Borchert is a member of the journal’s peer board.
Visit websiteZeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik
is an academic journal for theory-based and empirically sound foreign policy analyses, security policy studies and analyses of international politics. Dr. Heiko Borchert is a member of the journal’s advisory board.
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